


meet stacey






Ben and Danielle were married on a beautiful September day at the gorgeous Lauxmont Farms Japanese Gardens. It was my first time at this venue, and I am in love with it! I already cant wait to be back there! =) Their Lauxmont Farms Wedding day couldn’t have been more perfect! The love these two […]


October 6, 2021

Ben & Danielle | A Lauxmont Farms Japanese Gardens Wedding

A beautiful Lauxmont Farms, Japanese Garden Wedding in Pennsylvania.

A couple weeks ago I met up with Phoebe and her parents at Quiet Waters Park in Annapolis for her senior portraits. While chatting with her I found out that she will be graduating from my alma mater, Chesapeake High School. I also found out, the year I graduated she was born! If that doesnt […]


October 5, 2021

Phoebe | Annapolis, Maryland Senior Portrait Photography

Class of 2022 senior portraits at Quiet Waters Park in Annapolis Maryland

Marci had emailed me asking if it was possible to do a photo session with her 4 beautiful girls -of course it was ok! We went back and forth on figuring out just where to do the session for them and ultimately decided on doing them at their house. They live right on the water […]


October 5, 2021

Costello Family | Pasadena, Maryland Family Photography

Waterfront family portraits in Pasadena, Maryland

A couple weeks ago I had the honor of meeting up with this sweet pea and her Momma to capture her first birthday portraits! I cant believe she is turning ONE in just a few short weeks. Anyone else feel like this year has flown by exceptionally fast?! Like i feel like it was just […]


October 4, 2021

Berkley | Pasadena, Maryland Children’s Photography

Alice in Wonderland themed First Birthday Portraits

A little over two weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting one of my best friends newest little love. Holden is just the sweetest and the perfect addition to their beautiful family. I’m so happy for them and I cant wait to watch this little guy grow up. His big sister is already smitten […]

Families, Newborn

October 1, 2021

Holden | Eldersburg, Maryland Newborn Photography