Sweet little Brantley turned 3 months old this past December. Doesn’t he look excited?! =) We just did a quick little 3 month shoot one morning to capture some of those sweet little Brantley faces at this age. I just saw this little guy two days ago and I feel like he is already so […]
Oh.My.Gosh!! Just look at him! Isnt he the most adorable-est/handsome-est little man you ever did see?! My sweet Godson, you are getting so big and are continuing to grow into such an amazing little man. You love with your whole heart, do your best at everything you try your hand at and you love your […]
How adorable is this little guy?! I cant believe he is already 6 months old though! Goodness the months go by fast! I met up with this cutie a couple weeks ago for his updated portraits. For all the kiddos in this family we always visit the same location for the kids 6 month photos […]
Seriously.. How adorable is this munchkin?! He instantly puts a smile on your face! I always love seeing him. I met up with him and his parents a couple weeks ago on the eastern shore for his one year session. I had so much fun walking around with them that evening and catching up! Enjoy […]