A couple weeks ago I met up with this adorable little munchkin for her 3 year portraits!! 3 years old already, time flies! We met up at their house for a couple portraits first and then we headed down to Fed Hill for the rest of the session. I had photographed her parents wedding and maternity […]
A couple weeks ago I traveled down to Virginia and met up with this little beauty at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens for her two year portraits! We had a great time walking around the gorgeous park and finding cute spots for Miss Carissa’s portraits! Although, this little one had more fun climbing on rocks and running […]
At the end of August I met up with this sweet little girl for her one year portraits! I cant believe she is already one. Yesterday I realized that some of my very first newborns were starting 3rd grade!! Like, holy moly! I cant believe time passes by so quickly! Anyway, I had fun with […]