


meet stacey






I felt like my first week back in Maryland they called for a chance of storms/rain every day. So of course that made a mess of things. We were supposed to meet later in the day but the chance of storms was strong so we decided to meet a little earlier and hopefully beat them. […]

Children, Families, One Year

July 6, 2020

Pigmon Family | Fort Smallwood Park Family Session

Sweet Sophie is ONE! I had the pleasure of photographing her first birthday portraits as well as her newborn portraits! Isnt she just beautiful?! And look at that little wave! Its the cutest thing to see in person! I love being able to see all my babies grow up and the little people they become. […]

Children, One Year, Portraits

July 3, 2020

Sophie | First Birthday Portraits

Last year I took a bit of a break from posting all my photo work.. but this year I’ve decided I will be sharing as much as I can! So last week I met up with this sweet little guy for his one year portraits! Since I photographed his newborn session last year his family […]


February 25, 2020

Evan’s One Year Portraits | Baltimore, Maryland Children’s Photography

For the past nine summers (give or take a few for certain reasons) we have set a side a special day in the summer to meet up. I’ve made my Godson sit or stand in the same spots every year, this year he even knew exactly where we were heading first! Eventually he’s going to […]


August 7, 2018

Shayne & Brantley | MD Family Photographer

Earlier this month I met up with this sweet little girl and her Momma for her 3 year pictures.. But how is she already 3 years old?! She’s full of spunk, sass and super sweet! I’m so lucky to be this little girls Godmother and be able to watch her grow up. I have only been […]

Children, Personal

July 31, 2018
