I LOVE Hospital newborn photography sessions!! There’s just something extra sweet about them! Your new babe has only been on the outside world for 24-48 hours and everyone is absolutely gushing over them, its just the sweetest! They are one of my favorite types of newborn photography, I sure do wish more people would sign […]
A couple weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting this adorable set of newborn twins for the newborn portraits! I love photographing newborns and when you get to photograph TWIN newborns its even better! All that sweet, squishy-ness, smooshed together.. how could you not love that?! Plus, add in an adorable big sister and […]
Last week I had to pleasure of meeting this sweet little guy! I traveled over to Columbia, Maryland for sweet Gavin’s newborn portraits! How adorable is this munchkin!? He was a little bit older at the time of his session then what I typically photograph, which meant he had his own plans for the day. […]